United Facade

What are the disadvantages of curtain walls?

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What are the disadvantages of curtain walls?

There are also several disadvantages to using curtain walls in building construction, including:

    1. Cost: Curtain walls can be more expensive to install and maintain compared to other types of building envelopes, such as masonry or concrete walls.
    2. Weight: Curtain walls can be relatively heavy, which may require additional structural support and increase construction costs.
    3. Leaks: Curtain walls can be prone to leaks if not properly installed or maintained, which can lead to water damage and other issues.
    4. Thermal performance: Curtain walls may not provide as much insulation as other types of building envelopes, which can result in higher heating and cooling costs.
    5. Aesthetics: Some people may not like the appearance of curtain walls, as they can be perceived as cold and impersonal.
    6. Complexity: Curtain walls can be complex systems that require specialized knowledge and skills to install and maintain.
    7. Maintenance: Curtain walls may require more frequent maintenance and cleaning compared to other types of building envelopes.
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